Welcome Father Vu!

St. Athanasius Parishioners, we have had the great blessing of Fr. Bob Stuempel serving as our Administrator Pro-tempre. Fr. Stuempel has agreed to remain our Administrator Pro-tempre until August 5th. We thank Fr. Stuempel for his service to our Parish.


To serve the needs of our community and by God’s providence, Archbishop Kurtz has appointed Fr. Minh D. Vu to be the next Administrator/Pastor here on August 5th.  Fr. Vu is currently serving as Associate Pastor at Basilica of Saint Joseph Proto-Cathedral in Bardstown. Fr. Vu will be our Administrator for the first six months. During this six month period Fr. Peter Do of St. John Paul II Parish will serve as Presbyteral Moderator at St. Athanasius (He will be Fr. Vu’s mentor during this timeframe).  After six months Fr. Vu will become the Pastor at St. Athanasius.


Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Fr. Vu and praying for him. Please keep our community, Fr. Stuempel, Fr. Vu, and all of those affected by the current coronavirus crisis in your prayers in the coming months.


Yours in Christ,

Carl Duncan

Parish Manager