Admission Policy:
The policy of St. Athanasius School regarding minimum admission standards for first grade is as follows:
- The proposed student shall be (6) six years of age on or before October 1 of the school year for which he/she is seeking admission, and shall have successfully completed a certified Kindergarten program.
- The proposed student shall demonstrate school readiness through a developmental placement test approved by the Administration.
A proposed student not meeting the above criteria shall not be eligible for first grade admission to St. Athanasius School.
Subjects Taught:
- Religion
- Math
- Language Art
- Reading
- Spelling
- Printing Zaner-Bloser Method
- Social Studies/Science
Special Topics:
Family, Fire Safety, Drug Awareness, Pilgrims, 5 Senses, Animals, Weather, Magnets, My Body, Saints, God’s Love For Us, Prayer, and the Bible.
Based on daily work, chapter tests, phonetic skills, comprehension, oral reading, participation, projects.
Discipline Policy:
Positive behavior is always encouraged. The teachers incorporate many positive means of encouraging good behavior such as small rewards when the class accumulates compliments for good behavior. A Differentiated Discipline Plan is used. This is a whole-student approach to continuous improvement of behavior and academic success.